Johnson Duramax Cutless Bearings.

Replacement Cutless Bearings for your boating needs.

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Brass and Non-Metallic Shell Marine Cutless Bearings.

Johnson Duramax Marine Cutless sleeve bearings for heavy-duty commercial, government and pleasure craft applications, feature a specially formulated nitrile moulded rubber lining firmly bonded to a shell material. Shells for sleeve bearings are seamless naval brass and are also available with a rugged non-metallic shell.

The rubber, a proprietary formulation of extremely tough chemical and oil-resistant nitrile, is moulded to fit the shaft in accordance with U.S. Navy BuShips approved clearance for efficient water lubrication. Radially-spaced grooves have edges rounded to promote the flow of water between the journal and the bearing rubber in a continuous lubrication film. Grit particles and other abrasives wipe into the grooves and are flushed away.

3/4″ 1-1/4″ 3″ ABLE ALDA
7/8″ 1-1/4″ 3-1/2″ ACID ALICE
7/8″ 1-3/8″ 3-1/2″ APEX ANNE
7/8″ 1-1/2″ 3-1/2″ ATOM ARDELE
1″ 1-1/4″ 4″ BACK BABE
1″ 1-1/4″ 6″ BADE
1″ 1-3/8″ 4″ BAIT BECKY
1″ 1-1/2″ 4″ BALE BETTY
1″ 1-5/8″ 4″ BAND CANDY
1″ 2″ 4″ BASE CARLA
1-1/8″ 1-1/2″ 4-1/2″ BEAM CEIL
1-1/8″ 1-5/8″ 4-1/2″ BELT CINDY
1-1/8″ 1-3/4″ 4-1/2″ BEND CONNIE
1-1/8″ 2″ 4-1/2″ BILL CORA
1-1/4″ 1-1/2″ 5″ BIND DEENA
1-1/4″ 1-3/4″ 5″ BIRD DELLA
1-1/4″ 2″ 5″ BITE DORIS
1-1/4″ 2-1/8″ 5″ BLOW DOTTY
1-3/8″ 1-7/8″ 5-1/2″ BOAT EDNA
1-3/8″ 2″ 5-1/2″ BOLD ELLEN
1-3/8″ 2-1/8″ 5-1/2″ BOND ELSA
1-3/8″ 2-3/8″ 5-1/2″ BOOT ERMA
1-1/2″ 2″ 6″ BOSS EVA
1-1/2″ 2-3/8″ 6″ BRAD FANNY
1-5/8″ 2-1/8″ 6-1/2″ BREW FLO
1-5/8″  2-5/8″ 6-1/2″ BRIM FRAN
1-3/4″ 2-3/8″ 7″ BROW GLENDA
1-3/4″ 2-1/2″ 7″ BRUT GLENNIS
1-3/4″ 2-5/8″ 7″ BUCK GLORIA
1-7/8″ 2-5/8″ 7-1/2″ BULB GWEN
1-7/8″ 3″ 7-1/2″ BULL HANNA
2″ 2-5/8″ 8″ CALL HAZEL
2″ 2-3/4″ 8″ CAMP
2″ 3″ 8″ CALM HELEN
2-1/8″ 3″ 8-1/2″ CAME HILDA
2-1/8″ 3-1/8″ 8-1/2″ CAPE ILA
2-1/4″ 3″ 9″ CARE INEZ
2-1/4″ 3″ 9″ CARD IRIS
2-1/4″ 3-1/8″ 9″ CART INGRID
2-1/4″ 3-3/8″ 9″ CASE IRENE
2-3/8″ 3-3/8″ 9-1/2″ COOK JENNY
2-1/2″ 3-1/8″ 10″ CORD JOAN
2-1/2″ 3-1/4″ 10″ CORK
2-1/2″ 3-3/8″ 10 CORN JOSIE
2-1/2′ 3-1/2″ 10″ COVE
2-5/8″ 3-3/8″ 10-1/2″ CRAB JOYCE
2-3/4″ 3-3/8″ 11 CROW JUNE
2-3/4″ 3-1/2″ 11 CUBE
2-3/4″ 3-3/4″ 11 CURD KATHY
2-7/8″ 3-3/4″ 11-1/2″ CURE KELLY
3″ 3-3/4″ 12 DANE KIM
3″ 4″ 12″ DARE LAURA
3-1/8″ 4-1/4″ 12-1/2″ DARK LENA
3-1/4″ 4″ 13″ DARN LINDA
3-1/4″ 4-1/4″ 13″ DELL LISA
3-3/8″ 4-1/2″ 13-1/2″ DIKE LOIS
3-1/2″ 4-1/4″ 14″ DINE MANDY
3-1/2″ 4-1/2″ 14″ DOCK MARIE
3-5/8″ 4-1/2″ 14-1/2″ DOLE MARTHA
3-3/4″ 4-1/2″ 15″ DONE MARY
3-3/4″ 5″ 15″ DOVE NANCY
3-3/4″ 5-1/4″ 15″ DRAW NEVA
3-7/8″ 5-1/4″ 15-1/2″ DULL NORA
4″ 5″ 16″ EARN OLGA
4″ 5-1/4″ 16″ EASE OLIVE
4-1/8″ 5-1/4″ 16-1/2″ ECHO OPAL
4-1/4″ 5-1/2″ 17″ EDIT PAM
4-3/8″ 5-3/4″ 17-1/2″ ELSE PANSY
4-1/2″ 5-1/2″ 18″ EPIC PAULA
4-1/2″ 5-3/4″ 18″ EDGE PENNY
4-5/8″ 6-1/8″ 18-1/2″ EVEN RHODA
4-3/4″ 6-1/8″ 19″ EVER RINA
4-7/8″ 6-1/8″ 19-1/2″ EVIL ROSE
5″ 6-1/8″ 20″ FACE RUTH
5″ 6-1/2″ 20″ FACT SALLY
5-1/4″ 6-3/4″ 21″ FADE SANDRA
5-1/4″ 7″ 21″ FARE SARAN
5-3/8″ 6-3/4″ 21-1/2″ FEAR SUSAN
5-3/8″ 7″ 21.1/2″ FELT TONI
5-1/2″ 7″ 22″ FIND TRICIA
5-1/2″ 7-1/4″ 22″ FLAG
5-5/8″ 7″ 22-1/2″ FLAT VERA
5-3/4″ 7″ 23″ FORK WANDA
5-7/8″ 7-1/2″ 24″ FUEL WINNIE
6″ 7-1/2″ 24″ GALE ZELDA