Removing your inboard propeller or ski boat propeller is pretty straight forward even though it looks complicated. Here are the simple steps to follow when removing your boat’s propeller.
- Leaving the Nut On:
With a block of wood preventing the prop from spinning, remove the cotter pin and loosen both nuts. Remove the half-height nut completely and leave the full-height nut on the tail of the shaft. Since there are usually at least a couple of threads engaged, this usually works. Since the propeller usually requires some force to be removed, this prevents it from falling and becoming damaged (or landing on your head, hands, or feet).
- Try A Firm Grab:
You should grab the boat propeller by the root of two blades and pull it evenly; if it slides off, praise the deity of your choice. Watch out for the shaft key, which usually falls out at this point. Make sure your box up the old propeller for reconditioning, and then send it to the propeller shop.
- Prop Pullers for Ski Boat Wheels:
One of the most common propeller pullers out there is an Acme C clamp and an Acme harmonic prop puller. A controlled force must be exerted between the forward side of the prop hub and the tail end of the propeller shaft. The prop will jump loose, so make sure the big nut is threaded onto the shaft. Be vigilant about that key!
At Tacoma Propeller we also make a heavy-duty prop puller option right here in house. They are custom made to fit shaft sizes up to 3″ in diameter. They will pull 3 and most 4 blade propellers from shafts. These prop pullers are available for purchase on our website.
- Prop Puller Sizes Include:
PP-125 for shafts from 1 1/8-1 1/4″: $349.00
PP-150 for shafts from 1 3/8-1 1/2″: $359.00
PP-200 for shafts from 1 3/4-2: $380.00
PP-300 for shafts from 2-3″: $550
But if you are wanting a one-time use prop puller, we have them at our shop available for rent. Rental prop puller prices include (Based on shaft size):
Up to 1-1/4″: $25.00
1-1/2″: $50.00
2″: $50.00
3″: $75.00
If you decide to rent one of our prop pullers, and see that your propeller might need some reconditioning, bring our propeller back to us when you return the puller, and that puller rental charge will come off of your first repair job with us!
If you still feel like you are having issues with pulling the propeller off, feel free to give us a call at the shop anytime during our business hours and we would be more than happy to help assist you!
Shop Online for the Right Prop Puller
Still have a boat propeller puller or repair question? Call 253-272-5065 or email us at